For those who haven't read the lastest edition of A List Apart I've got something to show you. Using a basic list element and some CSS you can produce really nice looking menus. Here's an example with everything you need included in the source. Nice.
Like it? Like this site? Like me? Want to pay me back? Well, there's always my Amazon Wishlist (.co.uk and .com). I've always used them as a way to bookmark things I want for my own records but I suppose there's no harm in sharing (note that I am not begging ;o). Even if you don't feel like treating me to anything you can always just have a nosey at what kind of things I am "in to"/planning to buy.
Hope that when I get round finding a wife and producing rug-rats I have the foresight to do something like this...
A note about yesterday's picture. I would never condone the use of turn-ups in any circumstance other than when paddling in the sea, like I had been doing just before this shot was taken. Other than that they are a fashion-crime!
I found this CSS answer to DHTML-cascading or apycom's java applet-based menus here.
Very easy to implement and customize since it's all CSS; implementation can consist of a subform called "sub_menu" and all CSS can sit in your master CSS page. In fact, I've implemented this for my upcoming site
Ha ha! That photo thing is a good idea... so long as you don't have a beard as heinous as the dad's for most of the 70s and 80s.
And oof! Looks like the sons are following in his footsteps.
jeez! scary photos...
note to self: must watch crimewatch uk this month.
I don't think I can get these on Amazon, as they are beyond priceless...
Not to put too fine a point on it, but when reading the first and second together, one could infer that you had written the ALA article. I know that's not the case, but saying "here's an example with everything you need", and then in the very next paragraph saying "want to pay me back?" one could get the wrong impression.
I'm not trying to create trouble, just telling you what my first impression was upon reading today's post. I'm more interested in contributing to the (perceived) integrity of the blog.
Keep up the great work though.
Good point Dave. Not what I wanted to convey. I was in no way trying to make it look like it was my own work.
When I say "repay" I mean just for the amount of work it takes to bring all this tidbits to you. Written by me or not, it's takes a lot of time.