
I is backos

Seven days without phone, e-mail and internet is a lot nicer than it sounds. Going to take me a while to get back in to it all though. First things first - must reply to all the mail...


I tried my hand at street-performance while I was there. My talent being the ability to balance bottles of water on my head. Did I get much money? No. Just lots of funny looks.


  1. Welcome back Jake, hope you had a nice time.

  2. Welcome back Jake! That's an enviable skill you have there... ;-)

  3. Welcome back Jake! What is going on with those trouser turn-ups? scary :)

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 10 Jul 2002 07:53

    Good point Darren.

    Excuse: It was the last day so bags were packed and I was in "flying clothes". Had just been for a quick paddle in the sea and hence the turn-ups. Honest...

  4. Welcome back J!

    I hope your spanish is better now ;-)



    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 10 Jul 2002 10:49

    It couldn't have got much worse ;o)

    It's okay when I ask for things ("tres vodka y limón fantas, por favor") but useless when people talk back to me and I just look at them with a blank face and mumble "No entiendo".

  5. lol. My wife is exactly the same. I am constantly surprised by how many sentences she can string together. She is a life saver when abroad (she can do the same in French too).

    The trouble is they then think she can hold a conversation - and they yabber in tongues.

    Being understood to survive and holding a conversation are so far apart it would seem :)

  6. Is that where Notes developers end up after Lotus Notes is dead?

  7. I don't understand much spanish, but you must have been thirsty ...

  8. Oh! my god!, it's Jake on.... Alicante?? :-D

    Welcome again from Valencia!

  9. I am a notes developer in china.I am glad to see your website and it will help me much in the further work.Thank you.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 7 Oct 2002

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