
Launch Notes

Now this is really cool. There is an undocumented function in JavaScript that will let you launch any application on a user's PC. Here's a link to launch Notes on your PC. Useful?

They've found the first ever smiley :-)

Mozilla have got a useful tool on their sire. The web sniffer. If you know what it is then you will know why I say it's useful. If not, I guess not. You can't please everybody ;o)


    • avatar
    • Jef
    • Fri 13 Sep 2002 08:44

    Does the 'Launch Notes' link cause a (Notes) red box error to show on someone else's pc as well ? Funny thing is that my Notes was still running and didn't crash - it just displays the box ...


    • avatar
    • Colin
    • Fri 13 Sep 2002 08:52

    re: link to launch Notes on your PC - You git ;-)

    • avatar
    • Ian B
    • Fri 13 Sep 2002 08:57

    Oh how we laughed!

  1. Heheheheh. Splendid!

    • avatar
    • Ruediger
    • Fri 13 Sep 2002 09:41

    you can use the websniffer as a "bookmarklet". simply create a bookmark with this URL.

    Now you can "sniff" every page you are visiting

    • avatar
    • vince
    • Fri 13 Sep 2002 10:25

    Apache SOAP has a really cool thing that is very similar to this. It's called TunnelGui. You use it by piping your HTTP requests through it and you can see what the data in the same way as mozilla but since you run it on your computer you can avoid firewall issues.


    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Fri 13 Sep 2002 10:55

    Even better yet, I should imagine, is Ethereal. The URL I posted was just a "lite" version of this. Get Ethereal if you want to get advanced. Helped me out no end of times.

  2. ... You got me ...

    I actually had visions of making a "GLOBAL LAUNCH" page for my frequently used applications!!!

    • avatar
    • Aljosa Agoli
    • Fri 13 Sep 2002 11:29

    There is a problem. My Lotus is installed on d: drive so the link causes red box. However when I try to start some other application it works. Nice!!

    • avatar
    • Chris Melikian
    • Fri 13 Sep 2002 11:32

    That link to launch Notes will red box (crash) your browser if it is not the correct path!

    Bizarrely, if you reload the page the re box disappears and you can continue. This is on IE6/Win2k

    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Fri 13 Sep 2002 16:26

    It's taken me ages to compose a comment regarding the RBOD not involving some of the most offensive words I know. Funny guy.

    • avatar
    • Karel
    • Fri 13 Sep 2002 16:47

    That was funny!

    • avatar
    • Brandon Z
    • Fri 13 Sep 2002 19:19

    marvelous. glad to know the win32dll launcher is cross-platform. it 'crashed' Notes on my Mac!

  3. Gave me the red box of death!

    • avatar
    • joe
    • Sun 15 Sep 2002 16:19

    hahahahahaha nice one Jake! I like it! everyone so far has fallen for your trick!!!!

    • avatar
    • Ben
    • Sun 15 Sep 2002 18:59

    Hmmm, I never noticed that right-clicking on a RBOD gave me the option to save it as an image. Maybe I'll save it down and use it to play a prank on some poor unsuspecting fools... :)

  4. ...apparently not everyone got that it was a joke <sigh>

    Nice one Jake!

    • avatar
    • do
    • Sun 15 Sep 2002 20:10

    It's so sad to see how gullible some ppl are ;) I bet some are doing everything they can to stop the RBOD happening! ROFL

  5. Oh the wit of it.

    Reminds me of a joke that I played on a friend at last job, put in a close notes command whenever he openned his mail. Hahaha

    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Mon 16 Sep 2002 06:25

    If any of you have done any AS/400 ops, check this one out. We assembled a screen print of our AS/400 techie's Win95 taskbar below an AS/400 command line terminal thing maximised, on which PWRDWNSYS was typed. We added the "doing something" X at the bottom, and used powerpoint to display this image full screen on his PC, and locked the keyboard and mouse. He returned to his desk, changed colour, and ran into the machine room swearing. We wisely ran away before he came back out.

  6. Nice... but this will display the little red box of the death... ;(

  7. I can't believe your wee gag is still suckering people... marvellous!

    • avatar
    • John
    • Tue 17 Sep 2002 02:56

    re: Websniffer - pity it won't 'see' onto my intranet !

    Are there any similar tools that I can use locally ?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 17 Sep 2002 03:47

    John, look at Ethereal

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 13 Sep 2002

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