
Wisting twords

My regular source of entertainment at the moment is the Morning News. Yesterday they published a great piece on the way movies are marketed. Something I also try my best to ignore. Is it me or are the best films the ones you just happen to see and that you knew nothing about?

On the subject of twisting words I got myself in a situation last night when I was stopped by a camera crew. Before I could ask them who they were they had a camera and microphone in my face and I was "on the spot". They asked me about the effects that last year's attacks on New York have had on the world. Not a subject to take lightly nor one I feel happy talking about like that. I think they got this impression from my answers and the conversation didn't last long. Here's how it ended:

Him: Do you think the world's a better or worse place following 9/11?
Me: How could it possibly be better!
Him (realising he's getting nowhere with this one): Thank you. [Camera drops from other man's shoulder and I walk away bemused]

Hopefully there was nothing I said that could be taken out of context and shown on national television.

Still on the subject of twisting words - we (flatmates and I) had some fun last night. For the past month we have been woken up 7 days a week by the "property developers" working next door. So, last night, we went next door with the sole intention of defacing the hoardings they have erected. On these they've foolishly used removable lettering to describe how luxurious the renovated flats will be. Not anymore!. The bits not in the photo were a whole lot more offensive...


    • avatar
    • Sam
    • Thu 29 Aug 2002 11:23

    Him: Do you think the world's a better or worse place following 9/11?

    So Jake, does this imply that there people on your side of the ocean who actually believe the world's a better place since 9/11 (outside of certain Islamic fundamentalists)?? Is this some sort of anti-American backlash, or just an idiotic reporter?

  1. Sam;

    I'm thinking he meant the whole post-911 unity angle not anti-american bashing as for the "better since" line of questioning.


    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 29 Aug 2002 14:08

    I wouldn't read that far in to it Sam.

    • avatar
    • ihowe
    • Thu 29 Aug 2002 15:38

    "Hopefully there was nothing I said that could be taken out of context and shown on national television."

    This is a journalist, be afraid, be very afraid. ;-)

  2. Nah journalists. The last thing you should be is afraid: remember, they're just pond-sucking scum. And Sam, yes you are reading WAY too much into things.

    • avatar
    • Joe
    • Fri 30 Aug 2002 07:01

    You should put the full photo up of whatever it said!

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Fri 30 Aug 2002 07:03

    I think fannies is as daring as I will get on the site on which my professional reputation is staked ;o)

    Remember that the word "fanny" in England is a lot more offensive than in other places.

    • avatar
    • Sam
    • Fri 30 Aug 2002 08:21

    OK, I just re-read it this morning and saw that I took the comments the wrong way -- my apologies. It's certainly not the first time I've been in the wrong (just ask my wife =).

  3. Never ask wives to CONFIRM that their husbands are occasionally in the wrong! NEVER I say! You'll never hear the end of it...


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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 29 Aug 2002

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