How random can you get?
Attention all bloggers! It's not as easy as finding something to say every day. There's a lot more to it. Me thinks me need to take heed.
New York City has had a good idea. In the article they mention "cell-phone etiquette". Now there's an oxymoron if ever I heard one. Over here it seems that the only place you can truly get away from them is the Tube. Personally I leave mine on silent/vibrate and tend not to answer it when on public transport. It makes me cringe when I find myself saying "Yeah, I am on the train!"
Some Friday Fun - The history of Jacko's face.
On a seperate gripe... domino security etiquette, Jake, you should really lock down your server to redirect */$d* (and all hex variations) requests to some other place other than a listing of all your views for that db. I don't know why Domino doesn't come with default URL redirects (adding all 8 variations of /$d is a royal pain) set up to redirects to an error screen. See how it affected where I work...
Even if I could, why would I bother?
Surely it would be etiquette not to go looking. What do you think you will find there? The meaning of life...
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Ha ha ha ha HA HA HAah
I'll have a look when I get home.
It is indeed tasteless ;o)
If you can't wait 'til you get home type the address in to this proxy.
Considering the content of codestore, disabling $defaultNav isn't really that imperative. We're not talking sensitive information, let alone military secrets.
Other scenarios do abound of course, where sensitive data exists and/or security is important. In those scenarios, properly secured sites render $defaultNav irrelevant. Seems to me in reading through the article that an improperly set ACL was the culprit.
Perhaps a better gripe about security etiquette is to keep up-to-date with fixes. $defaultNav has been disabled starting with Domino 5.0.10--see this item from the fix list on LDD, and the referenced technote.
I agree. Disabling $defaultnav and suchlike is like 'view security', it doesn't REALLY exist. All it secures is certain forms of data presentation. Document level security is what really protects you. The fact that there's not a VISIBLE link to a document anyway isn't really securing the document.
A pretty hand form of data presentation too.
One of the main defenses against the bad intranet entrance pages at my work.