
Thu 23 May 2002's Blog

Thanks to Jens Norrgrann for pointing me to Ned's post which answers yesterday's question about the structure of "ReadViewEntries" XML.

Jens also pointed out that these posts (trying not to use the word "blog" anymore) are missing the ability to reply to them. When I started last October I didn't think about where this was going. Each "entry" is not a document. Each month is one document that I edit each day. When I get round to the redesign I'm planning for when codestore goes over to Domino 6 (no idea when yet) I'm going to have to create about 300 copy & paste documents. Not looking forward to that day..

Why am I talking about SVG so much more than Flash? Because I don't like Flash!

Netscape 7!? Are they having a laugh! Personally I prefer to just use its core Mozilla instead. Not just because they have a project underway for native support of SVG. Meaning you can include SVG as part of your html as in this example ;o)

Thanks also to everyone who pointed out that the Dictionary object is useless. Something I should have realised as I was writing on Tuesday. Hey, we all have slow days. Basically, you can achieve the same thing with Associative Arrays, like in Chris Melikian's example:

var oHash = new Object();
oHash[ "fred" ] = "wilma";
oHash[ "barney" ] = "betty";
for( oFlintstone in oHash ) {
alert( oFlintstone + " married to " + oHash[ oFlintstone ] )
delete oHash[ "fred" ];
oHash[ "barney" ] = "Liz Hurley";
for( oFlintstone in oHash ) {
alert( oFlintstone + " married to " + oHash[ oFlintstone ] );

Enough for one day...

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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 23 May 2002

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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