
Mon 20 May 2002's Blog

I know for a fact that a fair few of you are as excited as I am about the potential of SVG. Don't worry, there's an article on its way very soon.

I can't thank Richard Shergold enough for pointing me to this article. Saved my bacon that did ;o) If you can't wait for my article(s) then I suggest reading and fully-digesting this one - it covers just about everything you should need to know. For more inspiration there's always Nokiko's SVG Project.

The W3C have had their hands on a copy of Domino to see if it conforms with the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG). Here's the result. Some quotes:

Domino could allow more editing of Source markup
When creating a 'Domino Page', Domino will add the FORM element for no apparent reason. This causes a failure ...
There appears to be little regard for the W3C standards when Domino renders content to the web.
It is relatively easy to create a duplicate 'attribute' such as BODY TEXT="000000" BGCOLOR="FFFFFF" TEXT="FFFFFF"
Domino doesn't do this well.

CodeStore is going to have a special Golden Jubilee livery for a week or two. Don't be shocked if it looks different next time you visit..

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 20 May 2002

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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