Fri 3 May 2002's Blog
I turned Fuzzy Searching on today. Why on earth I had never done this before I don't know. Even I admit that searching this site usually proved fairly fruitless. Even knowing exactly what's here I still had touble finding stuff. Should be easier now.
Making good use of my day "off" today I have been creating a servlet that makes "use" of the Database Structure Enumeration technique discussed in this DDF document. Given the URL of any database I can quite easily get access to all the documents in those views you think you've secured by simply hiding them. What to do with the code? Keep it to myself, me thinks. Not only can it get sensitive information it's also pretty easy to bring a server to its knees in a mater of minutes. Something tells me that, if I share the code, Prominic won't be at all happy. Anybody who wants to know more is welcome to mail me to arrange a demo. On the topic a Google search for "Domino and Enumeration" is interesting. Well, to some maybe.
Have a good weekend. Mine's started already and doesn't end until Tuesday ;o)