Using a form as a database's Homepage

Jake Howlett, 12 January 2001

Category: Quick Tips; Keywords: launch open form navigator

What do you do when the options of what to do when a database is opened via the web just aren't good enough?

Wouldn't it be useful if you could have the database open a form as the first thing the user sees. This way you can do almost anything that you can do with forms and thus create a "homepage". There is an easy way to do this:

  1. Create a blank navigator and call it "webLaunch"
  2. Create a form called "$$NavigatorTemplate for webLaunch"
  3. In the database properties make the selections like those shown below.

You can now use this $$NavigatorTemplate form as you wish, in order to create a powerful homepage for your database (that is how CodeStore works). Voila.