Conditional tag. In the context of action, form, or view tags, enables you to conditionally evaluate the content of the ifserverevent tag based on the current state of the page. When you trigger a server-side event, which means you evaluate the body of the ifserverevent tag, a context object of type lotus.domino.taglib.EventContext is created and remains valid for the duration of the body of the tag. This tag is evaluated based on the following page states:
You can use the following interfaces to determine the current event state:
public interface EventContext {
public String getName();
//Get the name of the control that triggered this event.
//This is only valid for the OnAction event.
//Null will be returned for all other event types.
public String getFor();
//Get a Vector of documents that contains all
//the documents that have been "selected" in the view.
public Vector getSelectedDocuments();
//Get a vector that contains the UNIDs of all the
//documents that have been "selected" in the view.
public Vector getSelectedUNIDs();
Example See Also