Refreshing a WSDL file in Domino Designer
To update or refresh an existing WSDL file (Wiring Properties design element), use the following procedure:

1. In IBM® Lotus® Domino(TM) Designer, click Composite Applications-Wiring Properties.

2. Select the WSDL file (Wiring Properties design element) that you wish to change from the element list.

3. Click Open or Open With.. to open the WDSL file in an editor. The Open button opens the file in the Property Broker Editor. The Open With... button opens the file in the editor of your choice.

4. Edit or update the files as needed.

5. Save the edited file. In the Property Broker Editor this is done by clicking File-Save on from the Editor menu.

6. Close the Property Broker Editor Edit (or other editor).

7. Return the window focus to Domino Designer.

8. Click the Refresh button, menu choice, or icon (curved arrow) next to the listed Wiring Properties design element that you just changed. Your WSDL file will be refreshed and updated

See Also