FullTrim function
Given an array, eliminates "empty" entries and eliminates duplicate, trailing and leading whitespace within entries; and given a string, eliminates duplicate, trailing and leading whitespace in the string.


FullTrim( v )



Return value

A variant containing an array or string. If you pass in a string, you get back a string. If you pass in an array, you get back an array.


Empty for strings is the Empty string.

Empty for numbers is the value 0.

Empty for variants containing the above are the same, as well as NULL and Empty.

The FullTrim trims strings by eliminating any duplicate whitespaces (SPACE, TAB, NEWLINE) from the center of the string and all whitespace at the beginning and end of the strings.

The number of elements in the returned array may vary as empty elements are removed. If all the elements are removed, an array with one empty element is returned.

Extended example: array and String functions

See Also