Assembling and wiring composite applications by modifying XML files
You can assemble and wire composite application by directly modifying the application XML files.

Note This procedure is not recommended and this content is supplied for reference only.

This procedure describes how to modify an example Customer Profiles.xml file. It has one Notes component and two Eclipse components.

This procedure describes how to use the Customer Profiles.xml file as a starting point for your own application. However, once you have performed this procedure, the original application can no longer be run because both applications use the same "guid" value.

1. Change the application (app) name using the following syntax example:

2. For Eclipse components, change the view ID (AccountManagerId) as it is defined in your plugin.xml file using the following syntax example:
3. For a Notes database, change the Notes URL. This is the standard Notes URL. See the Domino Designer help for syntax detail:
4. For a Notes database, the Notes view name must be NotesViewData, as shown in the following sample syntax:
5. For the wires, update the property names and action name as shown in the following sample syntax:
See Also