Examples: DateSep, isDateDMY, isDateMDY, isDateYMD, Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday properties
This agent displays the date international settings: whether the date format is DMY, MDY, or YMD; the month-day-year separator; the keywords for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

import lotus.domino.*;
public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase {
 public void NotesMain() {
   try {
     Session session = getSession();
     AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();
     // (Your code goes here)
     International inat = session.getInternational();
     if (inat.isDateDMY())
       ("Format of date is \"DMY\"");
     if (inat.isDateMDY())
       ("Format of date is \"MDY\"");
     if (inat.isDateYMD())
       ("Format of date is \"YMD\"");
     ("Date separator is \"" + inat.getDateSep() + "\"");
     ("Text of date keywords: " +
     inat.getYesterday() + ", " +
     inat.getToday() + ", " +
   } catch(Exception e) {

See Also