Examples: ThreadSafeDriver property
This agent sets the thread-safe state and then reports it.

Uselsx "*LSXODBC"
%INCLUDE "lsconst.lss"
Sub Initialize
 Dim con As New ODBCConnection
 REM Connect to data source
 con.ConnectTo(Inputbox("ODBC data source name", "DSN"))
 While Not con.IsConnected
   dsn = Inputbox("ODBC data source name", _
   "Connection not made ...")
   If dsn = "" Then Exit Sub
 Messagebox "Connected to " & con.DataSourceName,, _
 "Connection made ..."
 REM Set thread-safe state per user wishes
 If Messagebox("Do you want to set thread-safe?", _
 "Thread-safe?") = IDYES Then
   con.ThreadSafeDriver = True
   con.ThreadSafeDriver = False
 End If
 REM Report thread-safe state
 If con.ThreadSafeDriver Then
   Messagebox "Thread-safe is turned on",,"Thread-safe"
   Messagebox "Thread-safe is not turned on",, "Not thread-safe"
 End If
 REM Disconnect
End Sub

See Also