Creating your script
Create your LotusScript program. Your script may be embedded in a form, or defined as a standalone agent.

Access the LS:DO Classes

To access the LS:DO classes in your script, you must put the following statement in the (Options) event of the (Global) object or the agent:

This statement makes the ODBC classes available in the programming environment, including the browser. If you do not use this statement, scripts with ODBC classes do not compile. The asterisk causes the LSX file to be determined by a search of the registry, initialization file, or preference file. The asterisk is more flexible than a platform-dependent file name.

The LSXODBC.LSS file, which defines the constants used by the LS:DO classes, is not supplied with Notes. Instead, those constants are defined when the UseLSX statement executes.

Decide where your script will execute

Once you have completed your LotusScript program, configure it to execute on either the Notes client or the Domino server.


The LotusScript program is stored and executes on the Notes client (workstation):


The LotusScript program is stored and executes on a Domino server:

Run on server

The LotusScript program is stored and executed on a Domino server, but a user can start it from a Notes client.