Examples: NotesInternational class
The following example examines three international settings and displays a setting's value if it deviates from what the script considers standard.

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim international As NotesInternational
Dim exString As String
Set international = session.International
If international.CurrencySymbol <> "$" Then
 exString = "Currency symbol is " _
 & international.CurrencySymbol
End If
If international.DecimalSep <> "." Then
 If exString <> "" Then
   exString = exString & Chr(10)
 End If
 exString = exString & "Decimal separator is " _
 & international.DecimalSep
End If
If international.IsTime24Hour Then
 If exString <> "" Then
   exString = exString & Chr(10)
 End If
 exString = exString & "Time is 24-hour"
End If
If exString = "" Then
 Messagebox "No exceptions",, "Display exceptions"
 Messagebox exString,, "Display exceptions"
End If

See Also