Examining and adjusting an access control list

You examine and adjust the access control list (ACL) of a database through the following classes:

The access levels used by the Level and InternetLevel properties are as follows:
The permissions properties apply to the access levels as shown in the following table. "Always" means the permission is always true at that access level; "never" means the permission is never true at that access level. "Def yes" means that the permission is true by default at that access level and can be adjusted. "Def no" means that the permission is false by default at that access level and can be adjusted.
PermissionsManagerDesignerEditorAuthorReaderDepositorNo access
CanCreateDocumentsAlwaysAlwaysAlwaysDef yesNeverAlwaysNever
CanCreateLSOrJavaAlwaysDef noDef noDef noDef noNeverNever
CanCreatePersonalAgentAlwaysAlwaysDef noDef noDef noNeverNever
CanCreatePersonalFolderAlwaysAlwaysDef noDef noDef noNeverNever
CanCreateSharedFolderAlwaysAlwaysDef noNeverNeverNeverNever
CanDeleteDocumentsDef yesDef yesDef yesDef yesNeverNeverNever
PublicReaderAlwaysAlwaysAlwaysAlwaysAlwaysDef noDef no
PublicWriterAlwaysAlwaysAlwaysDef noDef noDef noDef no
You must use the save method of ACL to write to permanent storage changes you make to the ACL and ACL entries. Otherwise, the changes are lost when your program exits.

See Also