Examples: GetDocument method
This agent reports on documents in a database. The document collection dc2 contains all "Test" documents. The report is written to the screen.

Sub Initialize
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim dbName As String
 dbName = "learning.nsf"
 Dim searchFor As String
 searchFor = "test"
 Dim dc1 As NotesDocumentCollection
 Dim doc1 As NotesDocument
 Dim dc2 As NotesDocumentCollection
 Dim doc2 As NotesDocument
 Dim message As String, verb As String  'report information
 Set db = session.GetDatabase( "courseServer", dbName)
 Set dc1 = db.AllDocuments
 Set dc2 = db.AllDocuments
 Set dc2 = db.FTSearch(searchFor, 0)
 If dc2.count = 0 Then
   Messagebox "No " & searchFor & " documents found", , _
   Exit Sub
 End If
 Set doc1 = dc1.getFirstDocument
 message = ""
 While Not doc1 Is Nothing
   Set doc2 = dc2.getdocument (doc1)
   If Not doc2 Is Nothing Then
     verb = " is a "
     verb = " is not a "
   End If
   Message = message&Chr(13)&Chr(10) & _
   doc1.GetItemValue( "Subject" )(0) & _
   verb & searchFor
   Set doc1 = dc1.getNextDocument(doc1)
 Messagebox message, , "Documents in " & dbName
End Sub

See Also