Validates an Internet address based on the RFC 822 or RFC 821 Address Format Syntax.
Note This @function is new with Release 5.
@ValidateInternetAddress( [ addressFormat ] ; address )
[ addressFormat ]
Requests input address be validated based on RFC821 Address Format Syntax.
Requests input address be validated based on RFC822 Address Format Syntax.
"Streitfeld, Sara (Miami)" <>
Invalid Input Parameter
@ValidateInternetAddress is currently used in location records to validate Internet address fields as well as in mail forms. This function is most useful in field validation formulas where users are asked to input their Internet address or in computed fields where Internet addresses are inherited.
If the second parameter is a list, the function operates on each element of the list, and the return value is a list with the same number of elements.
Note Multi-byte, or 8-bit characters, are allowed in the Phrase part of an RFC 822 format Internet address. They are not allowed anywhere else. Also, the Group syntax (that is, several Internet addresses combined into one group name, such as "Customers") is not supported in the validator.