FitBelowFields property

Read-write. Sizes the embedded object to fit below the first layout in the document. The embedded object takes over the entire document window below the layout, when activated.

Note This property is new with Release 4.6.2.

Defined in


Data type



To get: flag = notesEmbeddedObject.FitBelowFields

To set: notesEmbeddedObject.FitBelowFields = flag

Legal values


This property can only be set when the embedded object is an OLE control (ActiveX control or OCX).

UI behavior of the embedded object is the same as if it did not have FitBelowFields set.

If the embedded object supports ActiveX document (DocObject) and has requested this behavior from Notes, Notes only honors this request if FitToWindow or FitBelowField is set. Since controls are run when a document is opened in Edit mode (and in read-only mode if RunReadOnly is set), the object immediately takes over the window below the layout.

Because of the results of this property, it is suggested that the document have only one object and it should have this property set. An embedded object can not have both this property and the FitToWindow property set. The layout region and object behave in tandem, moving and sizing together, always keeping the same relative positions. The automatic scrolling of the layout region when the window is sized to be smaller than the layout has been disabled/removed for this relationship.
