Converts a string to a different case or character set.
StrConv ( expr , conversionType )
The return value is a variant containing the result of the conversion.
The valid values for the conversionType elements listed in the preceding table are defined as constants in the file lsconst.lss. If you want to use the constants instead of numbers, include this file in your script.
ConversionType values can be combined (ored) as follows:
For proper case, the following numeric character codes are treated as word separators in a string literal: 0 (null), 9 (horizontal tab), 12 (form feed), 32 (space), 0x3000 (double-byte space). The following are treated as separators in a multi-line string: 10 (line feed), 13 (carriage return).
Language cross-reference
@ProperCase function in formula language
@LowerCase function in formula language
@UpperCase function in formula language
@Narrow function in formula language
@Wide function in formula language
Example See Also