Dynamic HTML sections
The Dynamic HTML (DHTML) used to render collapsable sections for display with Microsoft Internet Explorer has been enhanced and made available for use in other browsers which support DHTML. The enhancement consists of using the <DIV> tag instead of the <SPAN> tag to delimit the sections, and using standard JavaScript rather than IE-specific extensions for manipulating the sections.

Use of this enhancement is configured in the domino-data-directory\browser.cnf file. By default, the enhancement is turned off, meaning that the original DHTML is generated. To enable the enhancement, edit the browser.cnf file.

Here is an excerpt from the browser.cnf file describing the options:

## DHTMLSections - String indicating whether / how sections should render using client-side DHTML
## Possible Values (case sensitive):
##    None - client-side DHTML is not used
##    Legacy - client-side DHTML generated as originally implemented on notes 6.0.  This was an
##             IE specific implementation.
##    Standard - client-side DHTML using standards-based DHTML -- will work with IE 6 and
##             Mozilla/5 based browsers.
## The property as shipped is configured to provide the same behavior as originally
## implemented in notes 6.0.   Replace the rule with the ones commented out
## to extend the use of DHTML sections to other browsers and to avoid some IE 6
## problems with the legacy implementation.
## Note that some paragraph spacing in the Standard option may be different from the
## other options and from the Notes client.
Property DHTMLSections String None
   Rule    Legacy    MSIE [4-9]      # IE 4.x or higher
#  Rule    Legacy    MSIE [4-5]
#  Rule    Standard  MSIE [6-9]
   Rule    Standard  Mozilla/5
#  Rule    Standard  Opera/7