DesignImportOption property

Read-write. Indicates the handling of the incoming design elements: create, ignore, or replace.

Defined in


Data type

Constant of type Integer


To get: option% = notesDXLImporter.DesignImportOption

To set: notesDXLImporter.DesignImportOption = option%

Legal values


For purposes of replacement, two design elements match if:

Caution If multiple elements share a name or alias, Replace_Else_Create and Replace_Else_Ignore will have unpredictable results. If there is at most one matching design element in the output database, whichever incoming element is the last one processed will replace all previously processed matching elements. If there are multiple matching design elements in the output database, there is no way to predict which one will be replaced. These options should only be used when there is at most one element with the same name or alias.

Language cross-reference

DesignImportOption property in Java DXLImporter class

See Also