Represents programming code.
Containment Hierarchy
Contained by: <action>, <agent>, <area>, <actionhotspot>, <appletparameters>, <appletresource>, <button>, <bordercaption>, <column>, <computedtext>, <databasescript>, <embeddedview>, <embeddednavigator>, <field>, <folder>, <form>, <frameset>, <globals>, <imageref>, <javaapplet>, <page>, <pardef>, <picture>, <popup>, <scriptlibrary>, <section>, <sectiontitle>, <subform>, <subformref>, <view>, %link.computed.content;
Contains: %code.types;
<!ELEMENT code ( %code.types; )>
<!ATTLIST code
The %code.databasescript.lotusscript.or.formula.events; entity lists the types of events that trigger LotusScript or Formula language code through a databasescript. This entity is used in the following entity: %code.lotusscript.or.formula.events;
<!ENTITY % code.databasescript.lotusscript.or.formula.events "querydocumentdelete | querydocumentundelete| postdocumentdelete | querydroptoarchive| postdroptoarchive ">
The %code.events; entity lists the types of events that trigger code execution.
<!ENTITY % code.events "%code.formula.events; | %code.lotusscript.events;| %code.lotusscript.or.formula.events; | %code.javascript.events; ">
The %code.for.tokens; entity lists the keyword token options of the for attribute. These keyword tokens indicate if the code is intended for use on the Web or in the Notes client. You only need to specify this attribute in those events where Lotus Domino Designer enables you to write code that can be triggered in either. The default in such events is web.
<!ENTITY % code.for.tokens "web | client ">
The %code.formula.events; entity lists the different events that trigger formula language code execution. This entity is used in the %code.events; entity.
<!ENTITY % code.formula.events "defaultvalue | inputtranslation | inputvalidation | windowtitle | webqueryopen | webquerysave | hidewhen | value | selection | htmlattributes | htmlhead | htmlbody | targetframe | helprequest | form | alternatehtml | showsinglecategory | label | displayvalue ">
<!ENTITY % code.javascript.events "onClick | onDblClick | onMouseDown | onMouseUp | onMouseOver | onMouseMove | onMouseOut | onKeyPress | onKeyDown | onKeyUp | onFocus | onBlur | onLoad | onUnload | onSubmit | onReset | onChange | onError | onHelp | onSelect | Queryopen | Queryrecalc | Postrecalc | Querymodechange | Postmodechange | Postsave | Querysend | Postsend | library">
These code events options execute when:
<!ENTITY % code.javascript.sections " jsheader ">
<!ENTITY % code.lotusscript.events "initialize | terminate | entering | exiting | onchange | objectexecute ">
These code event options execute when:
<!ENTITY % code.lotusscript.events "action | onhelp | queryopen | queryrecalc | postopen | querymodechange | querysend | postsend | postmodechange | postrecalc | querysave | postsave | queryclose | click | regiondoubleclick | queryopendocument | queryaddtofolder | querydragdrop | querypaste | postdragdrop | postpaste | onload | onunload | onsubmit | queryentryresize | postentryresize | %code.databasescript.lotusscript.or.formula.events; ">
These code event options execute as follows:
<!ENTITY % code.lotusscript.sections " options | declarations ">
These section options specify areas where you can write:
<!ENTITY % code.sections " %code.lotusscript.sections; | %code.javascript.sections; ">
The %code.types; entity represents the coding languages that are supported by Lotus Notes. This entity contains the <formula>, <lotusscript>, <javascript>, <javaproject>, and <simpleaction> elements.
<!ENTITY % code.types " formula | javascript | lousscript | javaproject | simpleaction+ ">
Example Example See Also