Specifies a resource link for an outline entry.
Note This method is treated as a Sub in COM.
Defined in
Note The following syntax is for LotusScript.
flag = notesOutlineEntry.SetNoteLink( notesDatabase, notesView, notesDocument )
Note The following syntax is for COM.
Call notesOutlineEntry.SetNoteLink( Obj )
Only one object should be specified: either the notesDatabase, the notesView, or the notesDocument. If you are specifying a notesView as the resource link for an outline entry, the notesDatabase parameter must be passed in as an empty object. If you are specifying a notesDocument, the notesDatabase and notesView parameters must be passed in as empty objects.
This method sets the outline entry Type property to OUTLINE_TYPE_NOTELINK and the EntryClass property to OUTLINE_CLASS_DATABASE, OUTLINE_CLASS_DOCUMENT, or OUTLINE_CLASS_VIEW depending on the type of object passed to the method.
Language cross-reference
setNoteLink in Java OutlineEntry class
Example See Also