Read-write. Indicates whether an ascending or descending user-sorted column has a secondary sorting column.
Note This property is read-write with Release 6.5.
Defined in
Data type
public boolean isSecondaryResort() throws NotesException
public void setSecondaryResort(boolean flag) throws NotesException
Legal values
In the sort tab for column properties, "Click on column head to sort" indicates a user-sorted column. For ascending and descending sorts, you can choose to have a secondary sort column.
If a user-sorted column is "Change to view," this property is false.
The column must be selected through the Lotus Domino Designer UI.
The sort is ascending unless IsSecondaryResortDescending is true.
IsResortAscending or IsResortDescending must be true for this property to be effective.
Language cross-reference
IsSecondaryResort property in LotusScript NotesViewColumn class
Example See Also