Use the following procedure to do this:
1. Open the composite application database in IBM® Lotus® Domino(TM) Designer and navigate to Composite Applications-Wiring Properties.
2. Use the Import WSDL button to select the desired WSDL file from your local disk and create a "Wiring Properties" design element. This design element is then stored and inherited from templates, or protected from template refresh, just like any other type of Notes design element.
Alternatively, you can do this by doing the following:
3. In IBM® Lotus® Domino(TM) Designer, navigate to Composite Applications-Wiring Properties.
4. From the menu, select Composite-Import WSDL....
5. Select the WSDL file that you wish to import.
6. Click Open to import the file as a design element.
The design element name/alias is only used for your information and for matching with a template during a design refresh/replace. You do not need to refer to the design element by name anywhere else in your application.
If you import multiple WSDL files, the types, properties and actions in all of them are available to use in your Notes components, provided the names in each of them are unique. This strategy is used in case you have inherited a WSDL from a template, and wish to continue to receive design updates from the template while also extending the application with your own properties and actions.
See Also