Examples: CopyColumn method
This agent removes all the columns in a view and recreates the view by copying two columns from another view.

Sub Initialize
 Dim s As New NotesSession
 Dim viewAll As NotesView
 Dim viewTopics As NotesView
 Dim col1 As NotesViewColumn
 Dim col2 As NotesViewColumn
 Set viewAll = s.CurrentDatabase.GetView("All Documents")
 Set viewTopics = s.CurrentDatabase.GetView("Topics")
 While viewTopics.ColumnCount > 0
   Call viewTopics.RemoveColumn(viewTopics.ColumnCount)
 Set col1 = viewTopics.CopyColumn(viewAll.Columns(4), 1)
 Messagebox col1.Title,, "Column " & col1.Position
 Set col2 = viewTopics.CopyColumn(viewAll.Columns(0), 2)
 Messagebox col2.Title,, "Column " & col2.Position
End Sub

See Also