1. Open the form.
2. Place the cursor over where you want the field to appear.
3. Choose Create - Field.
4. In the Field Properties box:
6. On the Fonts tab, format the font style for the field.
To copy fields
If you copy a field from one place on a form to another, each copy of the field has a sequential number appended to its name to preserve name uniqueness. You can rename the field after copying it.
Note If you copy a shared field and paste it into the same form, the new field becomes a single-use field. However, if you copy a shared field and paste it into a different form, the copied field remains a shared field.
To delete fields
To delete a field, select the field on the form and press the Delete key, or choose Edit - Delete.
Deleting a field from a form means that data for that field is no longer displayed in documents. The data still exists, however, and you can display it by adding a field with the same name to the form. To delete the field data, use the @DeleteField function to remove the field and its data from all documents containing the field.
For example, to purge the AssignedTo field and its data from all Schedule documents, create an agent or action that uses the form name and @DeleteField:
SELECT Form="Schedule";
Field AssignedTo:=@DeleteField;
To convert a shared field to a single-use field
To convert a shared field on a form to a single-use field on the form:
2. Click the shared field.
3. Choose Design - Convert To Single Use.
To convert a single-use field to a shared field
2. Click the field to be shared.
3. Choose Design Share This Field.
See Also