The universal ID, which uniquely identifies a document across all replicas of a database. In text format, the universal ID is a 32-character combination of hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F).
The universal ID is also known as the unique ID or UNID.
If two documents in replica databases share the same universal ID, the documents are replicas.
This function works in any formula that runs in the context of one or more documents.
To display the UNID, you must convert the result of this function to text, that is, you must specify @Text(@DocumentUniqueID).
The unique ID is one part of a document's entire ID number. To see a document ID, click the Document IDs tab of the document properties box. The UNID is on the first two lines following OF (top line) and ON (second line) in two 8-character segments.
Once created, a document's UNID never changes. If a document is copied and pasted, the pasted document gets a new UNID.
Every response document has a special field called $Ref that contains the UNID of the parent document.
In a field formula, @DocumentUniqueID (not converted to text) is a link to the document.
Language cross-reference
UniversalID property of LotusScript NotesDocument class
UniversalID property of Java Document class
DocUNID property of LotusScript NotesRichTextDocLink class
Example See Also