Examples: NotesDOMNodeList class
This example shows how a NotesDOMNodeList is used to find matching nodes. See Examples: GetAttribute method for the agent containing this example.

Sub getPersonDocs (node As NotesDOMElementNode)
 'node is the root element of the xml file
 Dim documentList As NotesDOMNodeList
 Dim nDocument As Integer  'number of <document> elements
 Dim i As Integer          'counter for documentList
 Dim child As NotesDOMNode
 Dim eNode As NotesDOMElementNode
 Dim n As Integer          'number of attributes
 If node.IsNull Then Exit Sub
 Set documentList = node.GetElementsByTagName ("document")
 nDocument = documentList.NumberOfEntries
 If nDocument = 0 Then Exit Sub  'no document elements in file
REM Check the child nodes of the root element
 Set child = node.FirstChild
 For i = 1 To nDocument
   While Not child.NodeName = "document"
     Set child = child.NextSibling
REM We found an element node named "document"
   If child.Attributes.NumberOfEntries > 0 Then
REM The node has attritubes
     Set eNode = child        'switch to element node
     For n = 1 To eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries
       If eNode.GetAttribute("form") = "Person" Then
REM The node has the right attribute name and value
         Call getData (eNode)
       End If
   End If
REM Look for another Person document
   Set child = child.NextSibling
End Sub

Sub getData (node As Notesdomelementnode)
 'node is an element named "document"
 Dim itemList As NotesDOMNodeList
 Dim nItem As Integer      'number of <item> elements
 Dim i As Integer          'counter for itemList
 Dim child As NotesDOMNode
 Dim eNode As Notesdomelementnode
 Dim n As Integer          'number of attributes
 If node.IsNull Then Exit Sub
 Set itemList = node.GetElementsByTagName ("item")
 nItem = itemList.NumberOfEntries
 If nItem = 0 Then Exit Sub    'no item elements in node
REM Check the child nodes of this element
 Set child = node.FirstChild
 For i = 1 To nItem
   While Not child.NodeName = "item"
     Set child = child.NextSibling
REM We found an element node named "item"
   If child.Attributes.NumberOfEntries > 0 Then
REM The node has attritubes
     Set eNode = child      'switch to element node
     For n = 1 To eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries
REM Look for an attribute named "name"
REM Only one of the following matches will be found for this node
       If eNode.GetAttribute("name") = "FirstName" Then
         REM We found a matching attribute value
         domParser.Output (NL)
         Call writeData (eNode)
         n = eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries  'done with this node
       End If
       If eNode.GetAttribute("name") = "LastName" Then
         REM We found a matching attribute value
         domParser.Output (" ")
         Call writeData (eNode)
         domParser.Output (NL)
         n = eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries  'done with this node
       End If
       If eNode.GetAttribute("name") = "OfficePhoneNumber" Then
         REM We found a matching attribute value
         domParser.Output (" ")
         Call writeData (eNode)
         domParser.Output (NL)
         n = eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries  'done with this node
       End If
     Next    'continue searching for a matching attribute
   End If
REM Look for another matching item
   Set child = child.Nextsibling
End Sub

See Also