Assigns an object reference to a variable, or associates an object with a variable.
Use one of the following three syntaxes:
Syntax 1: Create an object and assign a reference
Set var = New class [ ( [ argList ] ) ]
Set var1 = var2
Set var = Bind [ prodClass ] ( objectName )
The form of this string is product-specific. For example, the product object name might have the form "ApplicationWindowName\ObjectName." Refer to your Lotus software documentation for information about specifying product object names.
The Set statement is the object reference assignment statement. It is parallel to the Let statement, the general assignment statement for variables of all types except object reference variables.
When you use the user interface, rather than a script, to create a product object, some Lotus products implicitly declare the name you (or the product) have assigned the object as an object reference variable and bind it to the object. This allows you to use the object name in scripts without explicitly declaring a variable and binding it to the object.
To test an object reference variable for the NOTHING value, use the Is operator.
Language cross-reference
@Set function in formula language
Example See Also