Conditional tag. Enables you to incorporate new functionality introduced with later versions of the Domino custom tag library into your applications, without breaking if the application is replicated to a server hosting an earlier version of the library.
You cannot use this tag to wrap a newer tag directly. A newer tag cannot be referenced on a page that may be accessed by a server hosting an older library since evaluation of the tag is not handled until run-time and could cause errors. Instead, wrap a <jsp:include> tag or a standard HTML link to a page that references the newer tags in this ifcapability tag.
A <jsp:include> tag is a predefined JSP action that enables you to insert files into the page being generated. This action differs from the include directive, which inserts the page when the page is translated into a servlet. The <jsp:include> action inserts the file at the time the page is requested. It has the following syntax:
<jsp:include page="relative URL" flush="true">
Valid in:
One of these attributes: tag, taglibversion, or dominoversion must be specified.
An example of a version number (for post-beta Release 6) is 177. The number you supply as the dominoversion value should have a similar format.
Example See Also