The three kinds of Do statements differ in whether there is a condition or in where the condition appears in the statement. There may be no condition at all, or it may be specified at the beginning, or at the end, using either a While phrase or an Until phrase.
The syntax is:
There is no condition.
The condition is evaluated before each iteration.
The condition is evaluated after each iteration.
doCount% = 0 Do doCount% = doCount% + 1 If doCount% >= 1000 Then Exit Do Loop
In this example, each Do statement is equivalent to the Do statement in the preceding example:
Dim doCount As Integer
' A Do While statement (condition at the beginning) doCount% = 0 Do While doCount% < 1000 doCount% = doCount% + 1 Loop
' A Do Until statement (condition at the beginning) doCount% = 0 Do Until doCount% >= 1000 doCount% = doCount% + 1 Loop
' A Do...Loop While statement (condition at the end) doCount% = 0 Do doCount% = doCount% + 1 Loop While doCount% < 1000
' A Do...Loop Until statement (condition at the end) doCount% = 0 Do doCount% = doCount% + 1 Loop Until doCount% > 1000
The forms of the Do statement differ with regard to whether the condition is tested before or after the first iteration of the loop. The condition in a Do While or a Do Until condition statement is tested before the first iteration, whereas the condition in a Do...Loop While or a Do...Loop Until condition statement is not tested until after the first iteration. As a result:
doCount% = 1 Do While doCount% < 1 doCount% = doCount% + 1 Loop Print "Do While...Loop counter reached" doCount%
doCount% = 1 Do doCount% = doCount% + 1 Loop While doCount% < 1 Print "Do...Loop While counter reached" doCount% ' Output: ' Do While...Loop counter reached 1 ' Do...Loop While counter reached 2
The Do statement doesn’t establish a separate scope for variables within it. A variable used in a While condition clause or an Until condition clause is like any other variable in the script. If the variable has not been used previously, then its appearance in condition declares it implicitly, and initializes it.
For example:
' Suppose that the variable named doCount% ' has not appeared in a script prior to its appearance here. Do While doCount% < 1 doCount% = doCount% + 1 Loop Print "Do While...Loop counter reached" doCount% ' Output: ' Do While...Loop counter reached 1
LotusScript declares doCount% implicitly and initializes it to 0, so the body of the loop executes once. However, it’s risky programming practice to rely on this initialization. You couldn’t rely on this behavior without knowing that either doCount% has not appeared earlier during execution, or that the current value of doCount% is 0.
In this example, a Do statement calculates successive terms of a sequence of numbers that converges to a limit:
' This sub computes the quotient of each successive pair of ' terms of the Fibonacci sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... ' The sequence of quotients 2, 3/2, 5/3, ... is known to ' converge to the golden mean (1 + Sqr(5))/2. ' The sub argument deltaLim! is the tolerance. ' This example illustrates the Do...Loop Until form of the ' Do statement, with a condition that is recomputed on each ' iteration. Sub FibiLim (deltaLim As Single) Dim r1 As Single, r2 As Single, r3 As Single Dim limTrue As Single Dim i As Integer ' Initialize the Fibonacci numbers and a counter. r1! = 1 r2! = 1 r3! = 1 i% = 2 Do NexTerm: i% = i% + 1 r1! = r2! r2! = r3! ' r3! is the next Fibonacci number. r3! = r2! + r1! Print i%, "f(" & Str(i%) & "):" r3!, "quotient: " _ r3!/ r2! ' On the first iteration, disable the standard exit ' condition. If i% = 3 GoTo NexTerm ' Iterate until successive quotients are close. ' The sequence is known to converge, so the iteration ' will end. Loop Until Abs(r3! / r2! - r2! / r1!) < deltaLim! limTrue! = (1 + Sqr (5)) / 2 ' When done, show the closeness obtained and the actual ' limit. Print "Tolerance:" deltaLim! Print "Difference:" CSng(Abs(r3! / r2! - limTrue!)), _ "(Actual limit:" limTrue!")" End Sub ' Call FibiLim with a tolerance argument. Call FibiLim(.005) ' Output: ' 3 f(3): 2 quotient: 2 ' 4 f(4): 3 quotient: 1.5 ' 5 f(5): 5 quotient: 1.66666666666667 ' 6 f(6): 8 quotient: 1.6 ' 7 f(7): 13 quotient: 1.625 ' 8 f(8): 21 quotient: 1.61538461538462 ' 9 f(9): 34 quotient: 1.61904761904762 ' Tolerance: .005 Difference: 1.013614E-03 ' (Actual limit: 1.618034)
See Also