Read-only. All the embedded objects, object links, and file attachments contained in a rich text item.
Note Embedded objects and object links are not supported for OS/2, UNIX, and the Macintosh. File attachments are.
Defined in
Data type
java.util.Vector; elements are EmbeddedObject
public java.util.Vector getEmbeddedObjects() throws NotesException
This property includes OLE/1 and OLE/2 embedded objects and object links as well as file attachments.
If you need access to OLE/2 embedded objects that exist in a document but are not part of a rich text item (for example, because the object was originally created on the document's form), use the EmbeddedObjects property in Document.
Language cross-reference
EmbeddedObjects property in LotusScript NotesRichTextItem class
Example See Also