Defines the structure of a Domino database.
For more details on database settings, see Database Properties box - Advanced tab.
Containment Hierarchy
Contains: <databaseinfo>, <acl>, <fulltextsettings>, <launchsettings>, %note.types;
<!ELEMENT database ( databaseinfo?, acl?, fulltextsettings?, launchsettings?, (%note.types;)* )>
databaseinfo?, acl?, fulltextsettings?, launchsettings?, (%note.types;)*)
<!ATTLIST database
The %database.types; entity defines the types of databases that can exist on a Domino server.
<!ENTITY % database.types "standard | library | addressbook | lightaddressbook | multidbsearch | portfolio | imapproxy | subscriptions | mailbox | personaljournal | mailfile ">
<!ENTITY % design.elements "form | subform | page | frameset | view | folder | sharedfield | sharedactions | imageresource | appletresource | agent | agentdata | scriptlibrary | databasescript | helpusingdocument | helpaboutdocument | dataconnection ">
The %note.types; entity defines the basic types of notes or root elements in a Domino database. A %note.classes; entity differs from a %note.types; entity in that a note's class is determined by a value stored in the note's header; its type is determined first by its class and is then further specified by the presence or absence of a specific item within the note. For instance, agents and scripts both belong to the FILTER class; yet their note types differ based on the value of the item called $Flags, which they each contain.
<!ENTITY % note.types "note | document | profiledocument | %design.elements; ">
Example See Also