IsDefined ( stringExpr )
IsDefined returns TRUE (-1) if stringExpr is the name of a product or platform constant at run time. Otherwise IsDefined returns FALSE (0).
The IsDefined function is used as a run-time parallel to the %If directive. It is commonly used to test the run-time value of a platform-identification or product constant that may be used to govern conditional compilation.
Note IsDefined is not a LotusScript keyword.
LotusScript implements the platform constants in the following table as product #defines. When one of these is used as productConst, the LotusScript compiler does not call the product to evaluate productConst. LotusScript itself evaluates the constant as TRUE or FALSE. The value of each constant depends on the platform LotusScript is running on.
Product constants are defined by, and are specific to, the host product, for example Notes, 1-2-3, ESB, and so on. Refer to the product's documentation for a list of product-defined constants.
See Also