Examples: IsOnServer property
This function takes a person's last name, looks the name up in the People view of an Address Book, and returns the person's office phone number as a string. If the script is running on a server, the function uses the Domino Directory on that server; otherwise, it uses the Domino Directory on server Recife.

Function getOfficePhone( lname As String ) As String
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim view As NotesView
 Dim doc As NotesDocument  
 If session.IsOnServer Then
   ' use the Address Book on the same server as the script
   Set db = New NotesDatabase( "", "names.nsf" )
   ' use the Address Book on server Recife
   Set db = New NotesDatabase( "Recife", "names.nsf" )
 End If
 Set view = db.GetView( "People" )
 Set doc = view.GetDocumentByKey( lname )
 getOfficePhone = doc.OfficePhoneNumber( 0 )
End Function

See Also