Creating working sets
When working with applications, you may wish to group several applications together as a "working set." The Applications Navigator can use working sets to restrict the sets of applications that are displayed. If a working set is selected in the Applications Navigator, only resources, children of resources, and parents of resources contained in the working set are shown.

Creating the initial applications

Use the following steps to do create the initial applications for your working set:

1. Launch Domino Designer.

2. From the menu bar, choose File-New-Domino Application.

3. In the Server field, keep Local selected to store the new application on your hard disk.

4. Select or enter a server name to store the new application.

5. In the Title field, enter a title for the new application. As you type, Designer adds the title to the File Name field. You can accept this application file name or change it.

6. Select the a template (for examplee, Discussion - Notes and Web application template) from the template list.

7. Click OK. Your application bookmark appears in the left-hand Applications Navigator pane. This bookmark displays the application name and the related NSF file name with its location path.

8. Repeat this procedure to create several application bookmarks on the Applications Navigator.

You may also create an application by clicking the Create a new application graphic on the Domino Designer launch page.

Creating and managing a working set of applications in the Applications Navigator

In some case you may wish to group several applications together as a "working set." The Applications Navigator can use working sets to restrict the sets of applications that are displayed. If a working set is selected in the Applications Navigator, only resources, children of resources, and parents of resources contained in the working set are shown.

Using the application bookmarks now displayed in the Applications Navigator, use the following steps to do create a working set of applications in Domino Designer:

1. Click on the Folders icon on the Applications Navigator menu bar and select Manage Working Sets. The Select Working Set dialog appears.

2. Click the New Working Set button. The New Working Set dialog appears.

3. Enter a name for your working set.

4. In the Working set content box, select the applications you wish to be in your working set. by checking the box next to the application(s).

5. Click OK. You are returned to the Select Working set dialog.

6. Check the box next to the new set you have created to choose it as the one you wish to view.

7. Click OK. Only the bookmarks for that set should now be displayed.

To have the Applications Navigator return to displaying all of your application bookmarks, click again on the Folders icon on the Applications Navigator menu bar and de-select the name of the working set that you just created. All bookmarks should now be displayed.

You can also do this task from the Designer menu bar by selecting Window-Working Sets-Edit while the Applications Navigator is in focus.

As long as you have created a working set, you can also remove and edit working sets by clicking on the Folders icon. You can also do these tasks from the Designer menu bar by selecting Window-Working Sets-Edit while the Applications Navigator is in focus..

Displaying the list of projects (applications)

Since you have created several new applications, they should be displayed as bookmarks on the Domino Applications Navigator. Try doing the following to work with the new applications you have created:

1. Double-click on the various bookmarks to give a new application focus in the Applications Navigator pane.

2. Expand an application bookmark by clicking on the Expand/Collapse icon to the left of its name. This will display the list of design elements available to that application.

3. Collapse an application bookmark by clicking the Expand/Collapse icon to the left of its name.

4. Remove an application bookmark from the Applications Navigator by doing the following:

5. Right-click the bookmark.

6. Select Delete.

7. If you wish to completely delete the application from your system, check the Also delete the application appname from disk box, otherwise leave the box unchecked.

8. Click Yes. This action removes the bookmark from the Applications Navigator.