Created by michel on 02/23/2025. Modified: 02/23/2025 06:50 AM


A view of that name cannot be found in the specified database


when i try to connect to lotus notes SQL for some fields I'm haven't the value i'm have
" A view of that name cannot be found in the specified database"

i'm using this php code :

$mysql= new PDO('odbc:recherche','', '', array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES \'UTF8\''));
$sql="SELECT * FROM frmReport WHERE txtReportID = '2012-02305'";

$datas = $mysql->query($sql);

and i have this errors too

Erreur : SQLSTATE[S1000]: <>: 23405 [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]Data truncation for column 37: set length for Text or Rich Text field to higher limit in ODBC.INI (SQLFetchScroll[23405] at ext\pdo_odbc\odbc_stmt.c:528)


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