No Mime Data
Created by Malone on 09/05/2006. Modified: 09/05/2006 02:14 PM
Error 500 HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - No MIME Data
The Main Document has a number of rich text fields. Some are computed, computed when composed, or computed for display. There is a subform that contains an editable rich text field "Attachments" that uses java applets. The default value is "Attachments". In addition, several file upload controls are used with the computed text field "$V2AttachmentOptions" field that contains code to verify attachments and create a JavaScript link to the attachment. In addition, there is a editable richtext field "Body" that access the web using java applets. The computed fields properties do not
An existing Main Document is selected from a view via the browser and opens in read mode. The user clicks a hotspot button on the top of the form to "Create a Response" "@Command([Compose];"frmResponse")" . This form type is response so, on create - formulas inherit values from selected documents. An error occurs when this button is clicked - "Error 500 Http Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - No Mime Data".
From the client I have selected the problem Main Document and ran an agent to refresh the selected document "@Command([ToolsRefreshSelectedDocs])". This seems to resolve the issue for the selected document. However, the problem remains but is not consistent for all documents.
The solutions to the postings I've read does not seem related to the problem I'm experiencing. Please advise if you have any suggestions as to how I may permanently resolve or discover the root to this problem.
Thank you.
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plz help me in this topic
shamith on 04/14/2007 12:35 AM
pls help me
ganesh on 01/27/2008 02:08 AM
I just had this, and solved it...
- Rich text field, displayed with Java Applet (actually two)
- can edit the document OK
- Got this error when I tried to compose the document
Answer: ensure that the RT field is defined on the 2nd tab of the Properties box as "Store Contents as HTML and MIME". Problem then goes away.
BTW: this never happened at all when the app was on an 8.0.1 or 8.5 server; only happened on a 6.5.1 server.
Mick Moignard on 07/24/2008 08:38 AM
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