Note Item Not Found
Created by Jake Howlett on 05/12/2004. Modified: 12/05/2004 12:26:14
Lotus Notes Exception - Note item not found
Suggested Causes and Solutions:
If your form has a Computed Subform and this Subform contains a field with the same name as one on the main form you will see this error.
Jake on 12/05/2004 13:58
I've got an WebQueryOpen Agent.
I have opened and saved it, then magicaly the "Note item not found" error disapeared.
Maybe this can help!
Matias Moncho on 10/26/2004 14:09
Attach a file to a document from the notesclient. The rtffield where the file resides must be hidden from the web.
Delete the file from the web.
This causes the icon to still appear in the noteclient but no corresponding file to it.
When you click the icon you will have the message.
Tommy Stenberg on 01/04/2005 03:40
Replace notes.ini file with original notes.ini template file information, which should only contain the below information (please note the Directory & WinNTIconPath should refer to where the lotus notes data directory is stored.
Melissa on 11/02/2005 04:36 PM
With Notes 8.0.1, remove the notes.ini value, Create_R8_Database=1.
Jerry Carter on 08/20/2008 01:35 PM
rename the bookmark.nsf and it will work
mariana k on 01/19/2011 08:17 AM
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