View Of That Name Cannot Be Found
Created by Jake Howlett on 05/12/2004. Modified: 12/05/2004 14:06; 12/05/2004 14:05
Lotus Notes Exception - A view of that name cannot be found in the specified database
Usually encountered when opening a form on the web that includes some @Formula code.
Suggested Causes and Solutions:
The view specified in an @DBLookup/Column formula doesn't exist, is inaccessible or is spelt incorrectly.
Jake on 12/05/2004 14:06
For webaccess yo need to meek a $$viewtemplate first
Gert on 02/10/2005 07:43
Are you sure Gert? You don't need one of these forms just to open a view!
Jake on 02/10/2005 08:29
The error also shows when trying to access a database with access restrictions before logging in first.
Pascal on 02/20/2007 07:38 AM
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