Incorrect Data Type: Text Expected
Created by Jake Howlett on 05/12/2004. Modified: 12/05/2004 14:15; 12/05/2004 14:08; 12/05/2004 14:07
Lotus Notes Exception - Incorrect data type for operator or @Function: Text Expected
When opening a form that uses @Functions. Can have many causes. See below.
Suggested Causes and Solutions:
Most probably one of your Computed Text areas or @Formulas is trying to concatenate a date or a number with a string. For example:
"The total amount is " + aNumberField
"The date is " + @Now
would both cause this error. Use @Text to convert dates and number to a string.
The offending piece of code can be tricky to find in a complex form. Usually best to remove formulas one by one until you find the offending party.
Jake on 12/05/2004 14:09
Can also happen if you blank out the name of a query save/open agent so that it reads:
@Command([ToolsRunMacro]; "")
instead of
@Command([ToolsRunMacro]; "
To rectify this, either remove the whole line and save the form or enter the name of the agent that you require. Note that you cannot simply type in "
Jake on 12/05/2004 14:10
Using a value returned from a column lookup in a formula? Make sure you're getting the data type you expected.
eg: v:=@dbcolumn... where v comes back as type number when maybe you expected text.
Just another thing to look at if you're stuck. :-)
Jerry Carter on 06/08/2004 10:30 AM
can happen if you try to perform string actions on a null value
Yvonne on 06/21/2010 06:11 AM
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